Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How I have been living so far

First off, in my life I was born as a cute adorable baby. I had blue eyes. My sister Kate was really excited about a baby with blue eyes.

When my sister Anya was born I was jealous. I was so mad. I was super duper mad.

When I turned 1 I was singing but i was so mad when Anya was born that I stopped singing for 1 year.

When I was 3 we lived in Lehi. Lehi, Lehi, Lehi it was fun.

My used to be favorite number was my age, because everyone's favorite number was their age. But now it is 4 because it is a cute number and I was cute when I was 4.

I was turning 6, I wanted a Lolly loopsie doll. I had another teach party and my grandma's house. I apparently got another Lalla Loopsie doll. I actually had a suimsuit that would go in water. It was actually made of swimsuite material. It was so awesome.

I turned 6.

I went in second grade. In second grade I was a jokester.

I turned 7. I was so excited. We had oreos and capri suns. My favorite! I had a crazy life in second grade. And then I became the jokester, and then I became popular. I had no idea had that happened. Not too bad.

In second grade I had a crazy baptism. And then I went to chuck a rama with my dad, then I went to my grandma's house with my mom and dad. Then I wrote in my journal.

I'm still 8. I'm in third grade. Happily in 3rd grade I have been kind of grumpy recently so then I suddenly stopped. Now I am typing at the night, typing about my blog. I am saying all about my blog. And we caught up to the future. Yea. I am typing in the future.

Lets keep typing about what's happening in the future.